There’s a reason why this one antioxidant is making waves in the skincare industry.

Astaxanthin, a carotenoid pigment found in microalgae and certain seafood like salmon and shrimp, has been hailed as a miracle ingredient for its powerful antioxidant properties that are far superior to other well-known antioxidants like vitamin C, vitamin E, and beta-carotene.

6,000 Times Stronger Than Vitamin C

A Potent Antioxidant Superstar Astaxanthin is a carotenoid with powerful antioxidant capabilities.

It stands out among other carotenoids, such as lycopene, beta-carotene, and lutein, due to its remarkable capacity to neutralize free radicals and protect against oxidative stress.

In fact, astaxanthin is over 500 times more effective than vitamin E and 6,000 times stronger than vitamin C. [1]

This extraordinary potency makes it a valuable ally in maintaining skin health and fighting the signs of aging… because it’s highly effective at neutralizing the main culprits behind premature skin aging (free radicals).

Clinical Study: The Skin Superfood You Didn’t Know You Needed

Astaxanthin accumulates in the skin, where it helps protect against UV-induced damage, reducing the signs of aging and improving skin elasticity, moisture levels, and overall skin health.

Picture this: 65 healthy women participating in a clinical trial to test the skin-enhancing powers of Astaxanthin.

For 16 weeks, some were given a placebo, while others were given either 6mg or 12mg of Astaxanthin daily.

As the weeks passed, the differences between the two groups became clear.

The women who took the placebo experienced worsening wrinkles, reduced moisture in their skin, and an increase in inflammatory markers.

But the women who took Astaxanthin didn’t show any signs of skin deterioration.

What’s more, these remarkable results were achieved during the time of year when skin damage is at its highest in Japan, thanks to factors like UV light and low humidity. [3]

Can you see why Astaxanthin is quickly becoming a critical piece of smart skincare, especially for maintaining youthful and radiant skin, even in challenging conditions.

Improved Skin Hydration and Elasticity

Boosting collagen production with astaxanthin is like a skilled gardener nurturing the roots of a magnificent tree.

Just as strong roots are essential for maintaining the tree’s stability and structure, collagen serves as the support system for our skin.

Astaxanthin, like a dedicated gardener, works diligently to fortify and enhance the collagen “roots,” ensuring that the skin’s elasticity and firmness are maintained.

As a result, the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines is reduced, and our skin’s “garden” remains vibrant, youthful, and radiant.

Simply put, Astaxanthin supports the production of collagen, which is essential for maintaining skin’s firmness and elasticity.

Use it long enough and watch those fine lines fade away and start waking up to skin that’s more plump and youthful.

Avoid This Common Blunder That Makes Astaxanthin 20 Times Less Effective

While synthetic astaxanthin may seem like a more affordable or convenient option, it is important to consider the potential risks and drawbacks.

For one, studies have shown that synthetic astaxanthin is at least 20 times less effective than the natural version when it comes to antioxidant properties. [6]

This means that if you’re taking synthetic astaxanthin, you may not be reaping the full benefits of this powerful antioxidant for your skin health.

Additionally, synthetic astaxanthin may not be the best option for human consumption because it is made using petrochemicals and other industrial methods.

In contrast, natural astaxanthin is derived from algae, which is a pure and sustainable source of this nutrient.

By choosing natural astaxanthin, you can be confident that you are getting a safe and effective product that will help support your skin health and overall well-being.

What’s more, topical use is very effective for delivering astaxanthin straight to your skin.

Now, If you’re on the hunt for the ultimate organic skincare product that will leave you glowing and refreshed, then you ought to combine astaxanthin with other natural plant extracts.

Yes, you’ll want to double down on antioxidants, specifically vitamin C, and indulge in quality moisturizers to keep your skin hydrated and silky smooth.

And the best part? With consistent daily use for 8-12 weeks, you’ll start to see heads turn because these organic skin saviors work like busy bees.

Feed Your Skin Astaxanthin with the Age-Defying Dream Cream

If you want to get the powerful anti-aging effects of astaxanthin for your skin, look into the Age-Defying Dream Cream from Purity Woods. It combines astaxanthin sourced from organic red algae with vitamin C packed ingredients like camu camu and Indian gooseberry.

The Dream Cream also has some of nature’s best and most effective moisturizers and over 25 premium, plant-based extracts in total.

It’s also 100% USDA Certified Organic (which means zero chemicals or GMOs), excellent for all skin types, and quickly goes to work reversing the appearance of wrinkles, crow’s feet, age spots, sagging skin, etc.

Head here to learn more about the Age-Defying Dream Cream and start your journey to more youthful-looking skin!


“Ready. Set. Selfie” 5 More More Ways to Save Your Skin

  1. Fights oxidative stress: Astaxanthin has been shown to combat oxidative stress in skin cells, slowing the aging process and protecting the skin from further damage.
  2. Reduces inflammation: With its anti-inflammatory properties, astaxanthin may soothe sensitive skin, reduce redness, and alleviate symptoms of inflammatory skin conditions.
  3. Helps minimize wrinkles and age spots: Research indicates that astaxanthin can help reverse signs of aging, such as wrinkles and age spots, after about eight weeks of use. [4]
  4. Enhances skin texture and hydration: Astaxanthin has been found to improve skin roughness, elasticity, and hydration, contributing to a more youthful and radiant complexion. [5]
  5. Supports DNA repair: Astaxanthin can help counteract UV-induced DNA damage and promote DNA repair in skin cells, potentially offering protection against skin cancer.


[1] N;, O.C.I.O.B. (no date) Modulation of UVA light-induced oxidative stress by beta-carotene, lutein and astaxanthin in cultured fibroblasts, Journal of dermatological science. U.S. National Library of Medicine.

[2] Flament, F. et al. (2013) Effect of the sun on visible clinical signs of aging in Caucasian skin, Clinical, cosmetic and investigational dermatology. U.S. National Library of Medicine.

[3] Tominaga K, Hongo N, Fujishita M, et al. Protective effects of astaxanthin on skin deterioration. J Clin Biochem Nutr. 2017;61(1):33-9.

[4] Tominaga K, Hongo N, Karato M, et al. Cosmetic benefits of astaxanthin on humans subjects. Acta Biochim Pol. 2012;59(1):43-47. PMID: 22428137.

[5] Tominaga K, Hongo N, Karato M, et al. Cosmetic effects of astaxanthin for all layers of skin. Food Style. 2009;13(10):75-78

[6] Capelli, B., Bagchi, D. and Cysewski, G.R. (1970) Synthetic Astaxanthin is significantly inferior to algal-based Astaxanthin as an antioxidant and may not be suitable as a human nutraceutical supplement