If You Truly Want Beautiful Skin, Just Read This

Here are Purity Woods, we believe in integrity, transparency, and straight talk.

On that note, if you TRULY want the most beautiful skin possible, please just take the time to read this.

It’s not long, and by the time you’re done reading this, you’ll be more “in-the-know’ than the vast majority of the population (NO JOKE)… and you’ll be immune to getting “tricked” by other skin care products, too ☺

So, for starters…

Please don’t feel guilty. Because your intuition is right.

When you look in the mirror and see fine lines… wrinkles… sagging skin… age spots… “crepe paper skin”… or other visible signs of aging… chances are you feel frustrated, sad, or even angry.

You likely worry those signs of “looking old” are only going to get worse.

Then perhaps you feel guilty about worrying about these things… maybe because the way you look to others “shouldn’t” bother you so much, or you try to reason away that “there’s not much you can do about it anyway.”

Again, though, please don’t feel guilty.

Because what your intuition is telling you deep down – that it doesn’t have to be this way, you should have younger-looking skin – is true.

Your intuition is right.

You’re not wrong to feel frustrated with “old-looking” skin…

… You’re not wrong to feel there’s a lot you can do about it…

…And the problem is not you.

You see, there’s so much conflicting information – and flat-out wrong information – out there.

And there are a ton of skin products out there that make big claims yet completely bomb when it comes to actual results.

Thank goodness we live in an age where people are becoming very aware, though, and not letting their emotions fall prey to their often-sophisticated tactics, such as…

The “Smoke and Mirrors” Big Brand Risks

For example, you’ve got the all those giant corporate cosmetic companies that pour big money into celebrity endorsements and other flashy TV, magazine, and Internet marketing in an attempt to manipulate your emotions.

You’re likely already all-too-aware, though, that their products’ actual performance falls far short of all their hype.

In fact, so many of their products contain artificial ingredients that can directly work against you and the more youthful-looking skin you want (though it helps them make more money because synthetic is typically quite cheap.)

These artificial ingredients are kind of like fast food – they may appear to be “good” and help you short-term, but they can be horrible for your skin long-term, accelerating the appearance of “old” by drying out your skin and worse!

Bottom line here… no matter what doctor or celebrity they might pay to endorse their anti-aging products, look past the glitz and right to the label.

If it doesn’t show the “USDA Certified Organic” seal, it’s highly likely it won’t help your skin both immediately AND over the long-term, and it may well work directly against your skin!

The “Organic Poser” Risks

And then you have the huge number of skin care companies both large and small who loosely use words like “organic” and “wild-crafted” on their skin product labels and in their promotions.

This is so very often an even sneakier game of “smoke and mirrors,” because so many of them are trying to smooth talk you past actually looking closely at their labels. 

Why would they pull this “smoke and mirror act” on you?

Because they know organic ingredients are what works best, and what good people like you deserve.


Their products are so very often NOT very natural or organic at all.

You see, there’s little to no regulation when it comes to using generic but emotionally-provocative words like “organic” and “wild-crafted.”

They could include one or a couple such organic ingredients (even a Big Mac bun has some “natural” ingredients!), but look closely at their labels…

You’ll see it so often also includes some or MANY ingredients that aren’t only not “organic,” but are in fact those same artificial ingredients the big brands often use that can work against you!

The bottom line here, too? No matter how often they use the word “organic” or “wild-crafted” or similar safe-and-natural-sounding terms, look past the hype and right to the label.

If it doesn’t show the “USDA Certified Organic” seal, it’s highly likely it won’t help your skin both immediately AND over the long-term, and it may well work directly against your skin!

Why USDA Certified Organic is a MUST for

Truly Young-Looking Skin

Like the rest of your body, your skin is alive… and living things do not thrive on synthetic things. 

Your skin is a doorway into your body, and your body does not thrive on artificial and toxic things, either.

YES, USDA Certified Organic “anti-aging “products are uncommon, because it requires meticulous work and care to create…

… and you can’t just can’t make a bunch of claims — you have to prove it’s true.

It means both far more effectiveness and safety for you, though, because all of its ingredients have gone through the strict independent review process, at both the farms and in the manufacturing facility. It means they are independently certified to have 95% or more truly organic ingredients. (And even the remaining 5% may only be processed via a strict “safe” list.) USDA Certified Organic means the product is FREE of synthetic additives like pesticides, chemical fertilizers, and dyes, and it was NOT processed using industrial solvents, irradiation, or genetic engineering (non-GMO). Even if you decide not to try our guaranteed-to-work-like-nothing-else, USDA Certified Organic products today and you leave here remembering only one thing, please make it this: If a skin care product label says “organic” or “wild-crafted” or “natural” or any such healthy-sounding phrase — yet it is doesn’t actually show that it has been “USDA Certified Organic” — please do not feed it to your skin. Because you and your skin deserve only the best.

About Our Very First Customers

Purity Woods was started by us… the husband and wife (and mom and dad to four kids) team of Brian and Iwona Vaszily.

Iwona is a licensed cosmetologist who long ago saw that virtually all skincare products today, being laced with artificial ingredients, might show very short-term results yet are horrible for skin over the longer-term.

Brian is a well-known natural health and wellness researcher and business leader with over 20 years of experience. He has has worked closely with many of today’s most renowned and respected natural health doctors, researchers, and natural health organizations.

And we started Purity Woods because we could find no product made by a U.S.-based company that properly utilized nature’s most powerful ingredients to most effectively combat the visual signs of aging that we trusted.

In other words, we started Purity Woods to become our own first customers!

And because we’ve experienced results far better than anything else we’ve ever used (and to say we’ve tried many over the years is a vast understatement!), we realized we have the makings of an honest and therefore successful business on our hands and we had to share this with YOU

The Purity Woods Promise to You

Our mission and promise to you is simple:

To provide you only the world’s purest and most effective skin care products to most powerfully combat the appearance of “old-looking” skin.

And because talk is cheap, our products must go through that strict independent certification… they must be USDA Certified Organic, or we won’t offer it.

That’s why we actually take pride in not offering a wide line of many products.

Right now, in fact, we offer just five, which include our signature product, The Age-Defying Dream Cream as well as The Age-Defying Eye Cream, The Elastin-Boost Hyper-Lift SerumPur-Radiance Facial Cleanser, and The Age-Defying Night Cream.

You see, getting “most effective” and “purest” right is very painstaking work… and we’d rather provide you the singular BEST products versus a wide line of mediocre products.

In fact, we’re honored and humbled to have been named “The World’s Greatest Skin Care” by The World’s Greatest, a television program that scours the world for the BEST companies that stand head and shoulders above the rest in their industry. Watch the full segment now!

So, on that very note, read about our signature product, Purity Woods’ Age-Defying Dream Cream, next.

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